As we get older, we tend to focus on the visible signs of aging like gray hair, liver spots, and frown lines. However, we rarely pause to think about what is happening to our body at the cellular level. In this article, we take a closer look at the root cause of aging and how red light therapy can help you live a longer, healthier life.
Why Do We Age?
Our body consists of more than 37 trillion cells1. When one of these cells dies or is damaged, it is replaced through a process called cell division. Unfortunately, our cells become less adept at replication over time. Some of these old cells die (a process called apoptosis) while others live on. Those that live on are referred to as senescent cells.
Compared to normal cells, senescent cells contain more fatty acids in their membranes. This affects their ability to absorb nutrients2. These cells also struggle to break down waste, process protein, and, most importantly, multiply3.
The reduced functionality of senescent cells causes disease, muscle and memory loss, reduced cardiovascular function, wrinkling, and other tell-tale signs of aging.
How Mitochondria Affect Our Cells
Mitochondria are referred to as the “powerhouse of the cell” because they generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—the energy that cells need to function. When cells are young and healthy, mitochondria produce ATP very efficiently4.
However, as we age, mitochondria become sluggish. During ATP synthesis, they begin to release more and more free radicals (a type of unstable molecule). These free radicals damage other molecules, like DNA and proteins, which contributes to aging5.
How Does ENVY Support Our Mitochondria?
Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with numerous pathologies, from cancer to cardiovascular disease6. Fortunately, there is a simple solution that supports mitochondrial health while helping you live a longer, healthier life: ENVY red light therapy.
The first whole-body light therapy treatment of its kind, the ENVY Light Capsule works by exposing tissue to red and near-infrared low-level light. This exposure improves mitochondrial function by reversing oxidative stress caused by free radicals7. It also improves cellular signaling. As a result, you will look and feel more youthful.
Benefits of ENVY Red Light Therapy for Healthy Aging
The benefits of red light therapy are backed by numerous peer-reviewed studies. In one such study, Dr. Michael Hamblin of Harvard Medical School raves about the “remarkable range of medical benefits” provided by red light therapy, also referred to as photobiomodulation8.
“Chronic diseases of the modern age involving systemic inflammation such as type II diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and endothelial dysfunction are again worth investigating in the context of photobiomodulation.” — Dr. Michael Hamblin, Harvard Medical School
Blood Flow and Circulation
Poor blood circulation can deprive the body of oxygen, causing issues like sore muscles, pale skin pigmentation, numbness, and even blood clots9. Red light therapy can mitigate these problems by substantially increasing blood flow after treatment sessions. This ensures that all of your tissues are properly oxygenated.
Inflammation and Pain Relief
Nearly 20 percent of Americans live with chronic pain—a condition that can severely compromise quality of life10. Fortunately, ENVY red light therapy is scientifically proven to alleviate chronic inflammation and pain. In fact, according to one study, the most profound benefit of red light therapy is “anti-inflammatory action8.”
Muscle Recovery
After an intense workout, your muscle cells require loads of energy to recover. You can speed the process along by improving mitochondrial function with ENVY red light therapy. When you utilize our clinically-proven technology, you will reduce inflammation and muscle soreness while boosting future performance11.
Hormonal Support
Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. Produced in your endocrine glands, they affect a range of the body’s functions. When these hormones are imbalanced, you may experience any number of conditions, from hypothyroidism to diabetes. Luckily, scientific studies show that light-emitting diodes can improve hormone balance12.
Skin Health
Red light therapy can give your skin a healthy, youthful glow by promoting collagen and elastin formation. This reduces stubborn wrinkles like forehead lines, crow’s feet, and bunnies. ENVY red light therapy can also restore skin tone and texture. As a result, you will look younger, healthier, and happier for years to come.
Conclusion: ENVY Can Help You Feel Better and Look Younger
You cannot slow the aging process with topical creams or serums. Instead, you must address it at its source: cellular deterioration. ENVY red light therapy can help you do just that by improving mitochondrial functioning, allowing your cells to function at an entirely different caliber.
To see how ENVY red light therapy has transformed the lives of other men and women, view our results photos.