Red light therapy is a specialized therapeutic technique that introduces individuals to red light via low-frequency wavelengths. Traditionally done through a lamp, laser, or handheld device, red light therapy is being increasingly turned to as a way to address better sleep as well as stress and energy management.
Before we delve too deeply into the world of red and infrared light therapy, let’s take a closer look at how the processes work and the functional benefits that they can provide.
Understanding Red Light Therapy
The team at LIGHTWAVE Therapy with the Envy Light Capsule specializes in providing professionals with a full body and facial rejuvenation system that provides clinical results. As explained by Michael J. Breus, Ph.D. and Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, “Red light therapy is when a particular frequency of light is exposed to the eye or body.”
While Dr. Breus may offer substantial benefits regarding red light therapy, he makes it very clear that this is something different from a traditional red light bulb. A red lightbulb may create a certain type of ambiance but it won’t actually emit the lightwaves required to have an impact on our sleep patterns and energy production.
Health Benefits & Red Light Therapy
Research into the efficacy of red light therapy continues to be ongoing as it has shown significant therapeutic benefits in multiple areas. At the time of this writing, research suggests that red light therapy can positively benefit individuals in a number of key areas including:
- Pain Relief
- Inflammation Reduction
- Improved Overall Complexion
- Wrinkle Reduction
Benefits of red light therapy come from a cellular level where a biochemical effect is shown to be prevalent. Red light therapy targets the mitochondria of the cell, the location where cell energy is created.
Can Red Light Energy Promote Sleep Improvements?
While there is still much in the way of research, red light therapy is presently thought to improve sleep. Red light waves are said to stimulate the production of melatonin, which is a hormone integral to sleep. The Journal of Athletic Training (2012) highlighted the benefits of red light therapy in a controlled study of 20 female athletes over a period of two weeks. The study showed that the group with red light therapy produced higher levels of melatonin, which produced increased overall levels of endurance during competition.
To enjoy the benefits of red light therapy, consistency and delivery is going to be the key. Through the regular use of red light therapy, practitioners like Kristin Weitzel believe that additional benefits are on the way. A key to proper red light uptake is in the frequency and delivery of the therapy. The type of light system being utilized can make all the difference. Are you just shining red light on the body or are you stimulating a biochemical reaction within the cells?
The team at Envy Light Capsule can help you explore the therapeutic benefits of red light therapy. Contact their team today for a quote and consultation on the Lightwave Envy Light Capsule!
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